How to Get Fully Equipped for Camping Survival

How to Get Fully Equipped for Camping Survival
Camping is one of the recreational activities many people enjoy. Being away from your comfort zone and immersing yourself in primitive conditions bring about a certain thrill and excitement. While being away from your usual home amenities can be fun and challenging, a camping activity can still go wrong. Injuries, getting lost and unpredictable weather changes are some of the factors for this. In order to make this recreation safe and enjoyable, here’s how you can get fully equipped for a camping survival.

The rule of three’s is one of the most important considerations for camping survival. The rule states that a normal and healthy person can survive three minutes with the absence of air, three days with the absence of water and three weeks with the absence of food. Planning, preparation and packing of gears for a camping trip should revolve around this rule.

Your survival checklist for camping should start with informing key persons that you are going camping and when you are expected to come back. It would be best if you give these people a map of your expected journey and don’t make unnecessary changes with your plans if possible. This will increase your chances of getting help should you get injured or lost while on the trip.

While the idea of a new campsite is exciting, it would be better to equip yourself with enough knowledge about the area. Ask people who have gone to this area about what to expect in terms of topography,  climate and animal attacks. You should also learn basic first aid application, how to make a fire, how to put up your temporary shelter and where to look for food. Through educating yourself, you will have a better idea of what to expect, what problems are likely to arise and how you can manage these problems.

Part of any camping survival is bringing a survival kit. The kit should contain a map, flashlight and some spare batteries, knife, water purification tablets, ropes, compass, non-perishable foods, lighters and matches. These things will help you hunt for food, sanitize your drinking water and put up your temporary shelter. For recreation, you may also pack a deck of playing cards or a thin book.

Clothing is also one of the most important considerations. Once you know the climate in the camping area, you should be able to come up with clothes that will give you much comfort. However, you should also anticipate extreme temperature changes. Cotton is not ideal for these trips since they tend to get heavy when wet and does not dry easily. Opt for synthetic fabrics or wool instead. Your footwear should also be dependable and sturdy so invest in a good pair of camping boots and sandals.

Equipping yourself with the right camping survival tips will reduce the risk of injuries and getting lost and increase the excitement and safety during the trip. Make sure that you are fully equipped materially, physically and emotionally to make your journey memorable and worth repeating. 

Pack A Survival Food Even If You Don’t Need It Today

Pack A Survival Food Even If You Don’t Need It TodayWhether you find yourself in a short-term emergency such as a three-day power outage or camping trip or a long-term disaster like a post-earthquake scenario, obtaining food from all available sources can come to mind. If you have enough water sources and a reliable shelter, food is the next consideration, since a healthy human can only last three weeks without it. However, you wouldn’t want to wait that long before you’d start looking. If you are well-prepared for a disaster, you should have stocked survival food somewhere. If not, then you should look for food sources outside your own kitchen.

Ideal foods for survival often have a long shelf-life, lightweight, easy to prepare and have nutritional content. Knowledge about edible foods, fishing and hunting animals will also be handy should supplies of pre-packaged food run out. Meeting all these requirements will increase a person’s likeliness to survive even if he is in the middle of a disaster or the wilderness.

Long shelf-life means the food is non-perishable or does not easily spoil. Good examples of these are protein bars, crackers and canned goods. If you store these foods in your survival kit, you should update every few months because they still have an expiration date. Preserved foods such as hot dogs will last longer in cold climates too.

Your survival food should also be easy to prepare. Pre-packed ramen, pasta and potato soups can be bought at your local supermarkets. They only require boiling water and occasional stirring. Most campers believe that an ideal survival food should only take 20 minutes at most to cook.

If you are backpacking in the wilderness, lightweight survival food should come into picture. Since you are carrying a lot of gear, your food should only minimally add to the weight. There are freeze-dried foods and packaged ready to eat tuna which they can indulge into time and again.

Lastly, being in a disaster or out in the wilderness require you to be alert and almost always be on your feet. Expending energy and calorie-burning becomes as a continuous process. The food you eat should have a nutritional value enough to provide your required energy.

If you’re about to run out of food supply, you will be prompted to look for food from your immediate surroundings. Trapping animals would be better than hunting since you wouldn’t have to expend a lot of energy. If you’re near a body of water, you can always look for some fish. You can also eat a fresh fish raw or cook it over fire. Furthermore, there should be an abundance of fruits and vegetables in the wild. Learn how to identify edible berries and nuts. If you’re on an island, coconuts will also give you something to eat and drink. 

All of us agree that food is an essential element in order to live. Packing up your own survival food is a good practice even if you don’t need it today. In the face of dire need and emergency or even when you’re outdoors for a recreation, arming yourself with the right knowledge about survival food will increase your chances of being alive until help reaches you. 

Survival Clothing Is Dressed To Survive

Survival Clothing Is Dressed To Survive
Whether you’re out to enjoy the wilderness or surviving a raging storm, it is important to consider that you’re wearing the right clothes. This is not the time to don your favorite heels or your basketball shoes. After all, surviving a disaster could be a matter of life and death, not a game or a movie scene. While we are often advised to pack up a bag in case of emergencies, clothing is often an overlooked aspect. Survival clothing is just as important as any survival kit and it is important to know what the right clothes are in these situations.

Clothing for survival means being dressed to survive. Your clothes should be sturdy, versatile and comfortable. During a disaster or calamity, you’ll be out of your comfort zone and you won’t have your usual amenities. You might have to hunt for food, patrol the neighborhood or help build shelters. It means you’re going to have to get dirty and your clothes should able to handle all these challenges.

Survival clothing can be bought at survival and specialty stores. These clothes are often made of strong materials to help you endure the challenges a calamity may bring. One of the most basic items for survival clothing are pants which are heavy duty. It is best to wear pants which are made of strong fabrics and has a lot of pockets where you can put essential survival items such as a compass, a swissknife and some food bars.

You should also have heavy duty footwears. Boots are often recommended for these situations. Surviving the wilderness or a disaster will require you to be on your feet often so you need comfortable boots. You can also keep a pair of walking shoes if you’re just around the neighborhood or wear a pair of sturdy sandals if you need to cross a river. Make sure these foot wears are slightly larger than your normal size to prevent pain and blisters.

You should also wear socks to keep your feet warm. Furthermore, your survival kit should contain a few pairs of socks in case the one you’re wearing got wet.

Layering your top will also be helpful. You will never know when the temperature suddenly changes and your body need to adapt to the extreme fluctuations. Layering your clothes allows you to easily remove one clothing at a time it gets too hot, or wear another clothing over another if it gets too cold.

Other survival clothing essentials include some changes of underwear, hats and gloves. Furthermore, if you’re about to choose your survival clothing, opt for camouflage or neutral colors. Do away from bright-colored clothes so you can easily blend in with the natural setting.

While we never know when a disaster is going to hit us, it would be useful to have a few pieces of survival clothing for ourselves. You can wish you’d never have to use them, but when the unexpected happens, you’ll realize you’ve made one of the best investments. They may not be fashionable or trendy, at least you know you’re dressed to survive.  

Top 5 Survival Tips Every Person Should Know

Top 5 Survival Tips Every Person Should Know
Earthquakes, raging storms and tsunamis – these are just some of the disasters we wouldn’t want to happen, although we won’t be able to stop them if they do. The best thing that we can do is to be prepared if the time calls for it. Surviving an emergency, a natural calamity or a man-made disaster, means we may have to equip ourselves with the right materials, mindset and skills. You would wish you wouldn’t have to use these survival tips in the near future, but you’d be glad knowing them especially if it’s a life and death situation.

1. Have an emergency kit at home, at work and in your vehicle. The kit should contain all the essential items that will help you survive for the next three days or until help comes in. You should have non-perishable foods such as canned goods, food bars as well as water. The kit should also contain first aid items such as bandages, disinfectants and special medications. Don’t forget to put in a flashlight with extra batteries, some ropes, a swiss knife, some clothes and blankets.

2. It would be best to make time for a survival class. Your knowledge from this class would come in handy in emergency situations such as saving a drowning person, how to give CPR, how to treat wounds and so on. You may not be a licensed paramedic, but arming yourself with these know-how’s can potentially save your life and others.

3. Learning how to survive the wilderness is also one of the few crucial survival tips. Although this scene usually happens in the movies, you’ll never know where you end up when a disaster strikes. Surviving the wilderness means knowing how to make a fire when there are no lighters or matches available. You should also know how to make your own temporary shelter and look for food in the jungle. These skills will help you survive even if you don’t have the right materials.

4. You should have the right mindset. When you’re overridden with panic during a calamity, all preparations and skills will fail you. Always remember to stay calm and think as clearly as possible. Using common sense is just as vital. It should be a natural instinct to stay away from falling objects during an earthquake or  switch off all the appliances during a storm.

5. Once you’ve assured your own survival and your family’s, round up the neighborhood and help in any way you can. You can share your goods, look for missing persons or assist in building shelters. In this time of dire need, you will only have each other and you are more likely to survive if everyone lends a hand.

While some people may look at these disaster scenarios as surreal and too far-fetched, being prepared for the worst in times of disaster will get you far. Studying and implementing these survival tips are crucial and there’s no better time to start being prepared than now. After all, the life that you might save in times of disaster may be your very own. 

Important Things Your Survival Kits Should Contain

Important Things Your Survival Kits Should Contain
Most of the time, you will never know when disaster strikes. At this point, everyone panics and chances are, you’ll just grab everything that comes into sight until you’ll have to evacuate. In order to save yourself the hassle, why not store everything in just one emergency kit? Survival kits are important when faced with natural and man-made calamities. These are kits which contain all the essentials; from food, health to communication which will help you and your family survive for the next three days. 

Survival kits are pre-planned, meaning you don’t have to wait for a tsunami warning or a typhoon hitting your locality. Furthermore, since an emergency may strike at any random moment, having survival kits in offices and vehicles are also a must.

What goes into your survival kit may vary with the person next to you, considering that he or she may have specific needs. However, generally speaking, your survival kit should contain all the basic necessities such as water, food, lighting devices, and first aid items.

First of all, you should have at least a gallon of water. Opt for purified water so you don’t have to worry about sanitation. Water purification tablets are also helpful in case you run out of water supply.

Your survival kit should also contain food. These foods should be easy to store and do not spoil easily. Canned goods and energy bars are ideal because they have a long shelf life. If you have a toddler or an infant, it is best to pack some milk formula as well.

Your first aid items should also go into the survival kit. You will need bandages, gauze, antiseptic and disinfectants. Store important medications if you have specific medical conditions such as allergies and asthma.

You will also need other survival items that will enable you to build a temporary shelter. Consider putting in a swiss knife, ropes and thermal blankets in your survival kits. A swiss knife will come in handy for self-defense, but also for cutting things with. Ropes will help put together your temporary shelter, while thermal blankets will come in useful especially if you get lost in cold places.

Other small but necessary items are waterproof matches and lighters. You will need to survive the dark cold nights, as well as light a fire to cook food and heat water. Bring with you a whistle which can be used as a means of communication if you get lost or need to call out for help. Bring a battery powered flashlight with spare batteries as well. Pack crayons, some paper and and small toys to keep the kids entertained. Also don’t forget to pack copies of important documents and some cash into a ziplock bag.

You cannot predict what situation you will find yourself in case a calamity strikes, so it is better to be ready as early as now. Constantly update your items and check out the expiration dates of your consumables. Lastly, your survival kits should be placed in an area that you can easily reach and remember. 

The Top Survival Skills Every Person Should Know

Having  survival skills is one of the ways to cope with catastrophe. Since we don’t know where a disaster may lead us, it is important to equip ourselves with the knowledge of surviving the unexpected. These skills will keep us focused and attuned to the needs of the situation.

The Top Survival Skills Every Person Should KnowYou don’t have to be a paramedic or a boy scout to know these skills. Basic survival skills are not required for the stronger or brighter people, but it should be a necessity for people from all walks of life. A disaster does not choose its victims, hence learning these skills is very important for one’s own protection.

The topmost requirement or skill for each person is to have the right attitude. It is important not to panic when a calamity strikes. Although panicking is always the first instinct, you should always remember that it will not get you out from a chaotic situation. Instead, you have to concentrate, analyze the problem and determine all the possible solutions.

Being in an emergency or disaster means you are out of the comforts of your own home. You will probably find yourself in a location where you are directly exposed to many elements such as extreme temperature and animal attacks. This situation calls for your skills to build your own shelter. You will need to assess your environment, its potential dangers and how you may able to protect yourself. Your shelter should give you access to fire to give you body heat, night light and the ability to cook your own food. Having shelter and fire will give you a sense of security and ups your chance for survival.

Access to water is also important since a human can only last three days without it. One of the most important survival skills is to determine clean sources of water. You should also know if water from a source is potable and not contaminated. You should be able to sanitize your water before drinking it. Today, there are chemical ways to purify water, but if you find yourself in the most primitive conditions, boiling your water is still the best option.

Next to water comes the importance of food. It is believed that a healthy human can survive three weeks without it. However, finding yourself in a state of dire hunger can ruin your focus, thus you need the skill to look for food. If you run out of commercially-packed foods in your survival kit, you will need to learn to hunt and fish. You can also enrich yourself with botanical knowledge so you will be able to identify plants which are edible.

Your survival skills should also require first aid knowledge. Getting hurt from a calamity or in the wilderness may occur so you need to know how to address these situations. Ideally, you should know how to treat a wound, animal bites, hypothermia, and make a tourniquet. If you are creative enough, you should be able to produce a makeshift stretcher or crutches for the injured. These skills will come in handy not just in saving your own life, but also of others.

Your survival skills need constant honing and updating, but learning the basics should get you far enough until help comes in.