What Goes Into Your Car Survival Kit

What  Goes Into Your Car Survival Kit
If you like going on long distance trips, having a car survival kit is very important. Unexpected things can happen, such as having a busted tire, getting lost, running out of fuel or driving out in a storm. You might find yourself in a state of panic and that will only make matters worse. Your car survival kit is not just a consolation to your problem, coupled with the right attitude and skills, it can ultimately get you out of dangerous situations.

Replenishing your car survival kit with these important items will get you far, literally, until you are able to get some concrete help. You have two options of having a survival kit for your vehicle. You may buy a pre-packaged kit which contains basic survival items. Some items may be lacking, but a pre-packaged kit should help you survive the next several hours. You can also opt to make your own survival kit. This is more ideal since you are able to customize the contents according to your more specific needs.

What goes into your car survival kit? Basically, it should contain all the basic items that you will find in your personal emergency kit. That includes food, water, knife, flashlights, extra clothes, some blankets and a first aid kit.

However, you should also add other necessary items as well. First, you will need a physical map. While most cars have GPS installed in them, things can still go out of hand. Of course, you should also equip yourself with knowledge on map reading in order to make things easier.

If you need to pull over in the middle of the street, you will need road flares. This is to signal incoming drivers that there’s a car before them and they need to slow down. Lack of signaling devices such as road flares will lead to accidents especially in dark and deserted streets.

Jumper cables are also important components in your car survival kit. If your car doesn’t start, then you're stuck. Jumper cables will help you start your car especially in cold weather.

If your car still doesn’t start and you’ve finally managed to get some help, then you would need tow ropes or chains. These things can help you get out of deep snow or mud. Furthermore, keeping tow ropes and chains in your own car can also help another driver in distress should you pass one by on the road.

Lastly, do not forget your car tool kit. You should be able to change your tires, inspect and fix your engine and just do all the necessary things when your car bugs down. Also bring along your car repair manual so you can have a better idea with what you’re dealing with.

Being stuck in the middle of the road with nowhere to go and no idea what to do can make you feel hopeless and frustrated. It’s a lesson often learned the hard way. It is best to plan your trips in advance, equip your vehicle with a car survival kit and save yourself the frustrations.

How To Effectively Load Your Camping Backpack

How To Effectively Load Your Camping Backpack
Having a camping backpack is one of the essential things you should bring to any camping trips. There are different models and designs, however, these would all seem useless if you don’t load your backpack effectively. Loading your backpack effectively means putting all the camping gears and tools in such a way that getting things is easy and balance is not compromised. If you just load your things randomly into the backpack, chances are you’ll have to make several stops during the trip just to get an item at the bottom of the bag. You might also find yourself with more back and shoulder pains during the trip.

There’s  a certain logic in effectively loading a camping backpack. Usually, you should have access to the things you will frequently need during the trip. What you put in first should be the last thing you need at the end of the day. You should start with rolling your sleeping pad and attaching it at the bottom of your pack. Your sleeping bag should follow next. You can use a compression sack to gain more space as it can be squeezed from its original size.

Other essentials should be evenly distributed in order to keep your center of gravity. Your tent should be placed at the middle of your back. While you can attach your tent outside your backpack, you are also exposing it to wear and tear as you along your trip and might end up with a damaged tent at the end of the day.

Your cooking ware should come in next. If you are bringing a portable stove, make sure that the fuel canister is tightly sealed to avoid gas leaks. You can organize your food beforehand and place them on ziplock bags. Snacks and other ready to eat foods should be accessible so they can go to the outside pockets.

Your dry clothes should be rolled in order to maximize space in your camping backpack. Bring some plastic bags where you can put your dirty and wet clothes in.

You should have enough water not just for drinking but also for cooking. If your trip is unexpectedly extended, you might have to look for other water sources. Make sure to sanitize your water with water purifying tablets. Read the instructions carefully before chemically treating your water source.

You should have important medications with you especially if you suffer from certain health conditions. Your first aid kit should be fully equipped with bandages and disinfectants. Make sure to cut your toenails before the trip to avoid the pain of them digging into your skin.

Lastly, other important but small things should be within your camping backpack. A swiss knife, a food bar and matchsticks are the things that you might need now and again so make them accessible. Make a space for them on your pant’s pockets.

Now that your camping backpack is all loaded up, it’s time to try it. You must be able to wear it comfortably, the straps should not be hurting your shoulders and you should not be leaning in one direction. If these happen, you loaded your bad all wrong and you might have to redo the process. Effectively loading your camping backpack takes patience and practice, so make the extra time and effort to load it in advance.  

5 Must-Have Survival Gears For Outdoors

5 Must-Have Survival Gears For Outdoors
Whether you are outdoors to enjoy nature or due to a disaster, survival becomes the first and basic instinct. Being away from your comfort zone means making the most of the things you have. Having your own survival gears will point you to the right direction, help you cook food, purify water, build your own shelter and protect you from the dangers of the surroundings.

1. Survival knife. A knife has several purposes when you are outdoors. It can cut ropes when building a shelter and cut firewood when making a fire. You can also use it to tear some cloth while making a tourniquet and clean a fish for food. You will never know what will strike you in the wilderness, so a knife also comes as a handy self-defense item.

2. First aid kit is important among your outdoor survival gears. No matter how much you planned for your outdoor adventure, things can still go wrong in the most unexpected ways. Animal attacks, sprained ankles, feet blisters and food poisoning are just some of the things that may hinder you from having fun. Your first aid kit should contain all the necessary items such as bandages and gauze, cotton, disinfectants and ointments. In case you or one of your companions have a specific medical condition, medications should also be brought along as well.

3. Lighters and matches are also important survival gears. You won’t have electricity in the outdoors and you will need to build your own fire. You also need to cook food and heat your water. Fire will also keep you warm especially if you’re out in a particularly cold area, and serve as security from animal attacks. Having to make your own fire will take you back to the most primitive conditions and you will learn to appreciate how skillful our ancestors were.

4. Direction and signaling devices will also help you survive the outdoors. If you are hiking or leaving base camp, you should bring along with you a compass. Your compass will point you in the right direction and prevent you from getting lost. Of course there are GPS and cellphones that you can use, however they won’t always be very reliable since phone signals tend to get lost in the wilderness. A whistle will also come in handy in case you get lost or need help.

5. Food and water. Even if you’re out to fish or you intend to hunt for your own food, the process of acquiring them will deplete your energy. Non-perishable foods such as canned goods and protein bars will get you far in your adventure. Make sure that you have enough water for the whole duration of your stay. Bring water purifying tablets in case you need to get water from other sources.

Bringing survival gears will help you have more fun in your outdoor activity. When things unexpectedly get out of hand, you can use these to call for help, protect yourself and keep you alive. Make a check list and double check your survival gears before leaving to ensure that you have everything you need.  

How to Get Fully Equipped for Camping Survival

How to Get Fully Equipped for Camping Survival
Camping is one of the recreational activities many people enjoy. Being away from your comfort zone and immersing yourself in primitive conditions bring about a certain thrill and excitement. While being away from your usual home amenities can be fun and challenging, a camping activity can still go wrong. Injuries, getting lost and unpredictable weather changes are some of the factors for this. In order to make this recreation safe and enjoyable, here’s how you can get fully equipped for a camping survival.

The rule of three’s is one of the most important considerations for camping survival. The rule states that a normal and healthy person can survive three minutes with the absence of air, three days with the absence of water and three weeks with the absence of food. Planning, preparation and packing of gears for a camping trip should revolve around this rule.

Your survival checklist for camping should start with informing key persons that you are going camping and when you are expected to come back. It would be best if you give these people a map of your expected journey and don’t make unnecessary changes with your plans if possible. This will increase your chances of getting help should you get injured or lost while on the trip.

While the idea of a new campsite is exciting, it would be better to equip yourself with enough knowledge about the area. Ask people who have gone to this area about what to expect in terms of topography,  climate and animal attacks. You should also learn basic first aid application, how to make a fire, how to put up your temporary shelter and where to look for food. Through educating yourself, you will have a better idea of what to expect, what problems are likely to arise and how you can manage these problems.

Part of any camping survival is bringing a survival kit. The kit should contain a map, flashlight and some spare batteries, knife, water purification tablets, ropes, compass, non-perishable foods, lighters and matches. These things will help you hunt for food, sanitize your drinking water and put up your temporary shelter. For recreation, you may also pack a deck of playing cards or a thin book.

Clothing is also one of the most important considerations. Once you know the climate in the camping area, you should be able to come up with clothes that will give you much comfort. However, you should also anticipate extreme temperature changes. Cotton is not ideal for these trips since they tend to get heavy when wet and does not dry easily. Opt for synthetic fabrics or wool instead. Your footwear should also be dependable and sturdy so invest in a good pair of camping boots and sandals.

Equipping yourself with the right camping survival tips will reduce the risk of injuries and getting lost and increase the excitement and safety during the trip. Make sure that you are fully equipped materially, physically and emotionally to make your journey memorable and worth repeating.